Use "organum|organa" in a sentence

1. Antiphona "Da pacem Domine" - Psaume "fiat pax in virtute tua" by Ensemble Organum feat

2. Lying on her deathbed, Mothma tendered her resignation as Chief of State, and passed on the leadership to Leia Organa Solo.

3. Branchiae (Graece βράγχια, ex βράγχιον 'pinna') sunt organum respiratorium, in multis organismis aquaticis inventum, quod oxygenium dissolutum ex aqua extrahit, carboniique dioxidum emittit

4. 25 He and his twin sister, Jaina, were born to Leia Organa and Han Solo on Coruscant during the end of the Thrawn crisis.

5. The Resistance, backed by the Republic and led by General Leia Organa, opposes them while Leia searches for her brother, Luke Skywalker.

6. Tradicionalna medicina ističe da sastojak Abrotin snižava temperaturu, pa se čaj primenjuje i kod tegoba disajnih organa, katara bronha i pluća, astme, tuberkuloze

7. Reproductio sexualis per game- tangia; gametangia discreta carens; organa reproductionis Adjacentia, donantia per porum recipientem in pariete; oosporae singulares, apleroticae, pariete aut laevi aut ornato

8. When Seti Ashgad, leader of the anti-Theran Rationalist Party contacted Chief of State Leia Organa Solo for diplomatic relations, Callista attempted to warn Leia to stay away from the world.

9. 21 With the rise of the New Republic, the droids became separated, as Threepio stayed on Coruscant to assist Chief of State Leia Organa Solo in her diplomatic duties and in raising her children.

10. Star Wars: The Force Awakens used the narrative backbone of the first Star Wars movie to reintroduce the franchise, including a handful of “original trilogy” characters (Han Solo, Leia Organa,

11. Featuring a variety of choral textures, including chant and diatonic harmonies, as well as intricate modern arrangements and musical devices like organum, canon, inversion and imitation, this collection provides Antiphons for Sundays, solemnities and feasts throughout the year.

12. With the rise of the New Republic, the droids became separated, as Threepio stayed on Coruscant to assist Chief of State Leia Organa Solo in her diplomatic duties and in raising her children.

13. End of Middle Ages In Dominicis ad Aspersionem Aquae Bendictae – cadence, male voices, no fixed tempo, one mode throughout Saint Hildegard von Bingen – monophony, drone (single, 2 note chord) Leonin Pascha Nostrum Organum Duplum – polyphony Perotin, Sederunt Principes Escuela de Notre Dame – polyphony, melisma (holding vowels or notes

14. A long-haired breed of cat similar to the Persian cat ; domestic breed of rabbit with long white silky hair ; a domestic breed of goat raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair ; Anagrams of Angora ARAGON - ARGOAN - ORGANA

15. The concert will give the audience an opportunity to hear and judge for themselves how the medieval musical practice of psalmody, the singing of Conventionalized melodic formulae, the moving in a designated limited tonal space, the artistically wrought rhythms of organa, will react to quasi-experimental arrangements that explore the physical-acoustic phenomena of sound turning into rhythm, of